Many consumers, whether residential or commercial, often have worries when it comes to holiday or party light decorating. They ask:
- How much time will it take to set up and tear down?
- Will it break the bank?
- Will it be environmentally friendly?
We at Christmas Decor of New Jersey are providing solutions to each of those concerns in our partnership with Decor Smart, year round lighting decor for your home or business.
What is Decor Smart?
The idea came to founder Scott Eddins when he was on a ladder one Christmas hanging up lights and thinking, “there has to be a better way.” Scott created Inception Lighting, which offers permanent LED lighting systems to commercial, residential and municipal properties.
These light systems can change color for any occasion and can be accessed by your mobile device from anywhere you may be.
Inception Light systems come with an array of benefits to the home or business owner.
Year-Round Energy and Cost Saving Benefits
The cost of Decor Smart systems is significantly less than conventional lighting because of their continuous, low-wattage LED technology. This can save the residential consumer thousands of dollars comparatively and even tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars for commercial and municipal consumers.
More Efficient Lighting Decor Installation
Decor Smart lighting systems are inherently more efficient to install since they are a permanent installment, but the systems are easier to install because of the continuous tracking. Because their systems use low watt LED lights, heat is not dispersed, which allows for the use of plastic channels instead of metal. If an LED light goes out it can be replaced instead of having to replace the whole strand. The low watt LED lights used by Decor Smart are also energy efficient, even more so than standard C9 LEDs. Christmas Decor of New Jersey is proud to provide Decor Smart installation in new jersey and stand behind their energy and cost efficient technology. Call the professionals at Christmas Decor for professional and beautiful Decor Smart Light installation.(888) 424-4326
Save $100 on Residential Services
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