The 2016 show season is ending and the new product will be shipping out in a couple of weeks. One trend is very clear: Big Is In! Large Holiday figurines made with fiberglass, metal, and/or wood, with or without LED lights are offered by most vendors including Barcana, Holidaynamics, and others.
Decor Is Larger Than Ever!
Nutcrackers, Toy Soldiers, Polar Bears, Deer and giant Nativity scenes are a great way to accent any entrance way or large space. Giant gift packages and (12’-15’) lit Interior trees are now a terrific addition for both residential and commercial lighting projects.Huge ornaments and stars Huge ornaments and stars create a dramatic look along driveways. And who doesn’t want Santa and his Elves to greet their guests at the front door?! Leasing these items is a great way to create a spectacular display without the hassle of storage or a substantial financial commitment. Leasing also allows you to change the look and keep themes fresh each year.
Go Big This Season With Oversized Ornaments
Christmas Décor of New Jersey will be providing many of these large holiday displays this upcoming season. If you are interested in seeing what can be done with your property see our website’s portfolio or call us at (888) 424-4326 for a consultation. We have terrific leasing options on all of these new exciting Holiday Décor items.
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